Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Mooresville Mayor repeating history with vote on HOT lanes project?

The saying "if we don't learn from history we are doomed to repeat it" could not be more true after last night's vote in Mooresville to approve the I77 HOT lanes project.

In a 3-3 tie vote, broken by Mooresville Mayor Miles Atkins in favor of going forward with the terribly flawed Cintra contact, Mooresville voted on Tuesday to support the CRTPO long-range transportation plan that includes the horribly unpopular toll project.  The critical CRTPO vote came Wednesday night where where it also passed.

The situation in Mooresville on Tuesday was eerily similar to the 2007 vote where former Mooresville Mayor Bill Thunberg cast a tie breaking vote that effectively created MI-Connection - the money losing cable company owned by Mooresville and Davidson.  That vote effectively ended Thunberg's elected career when he narrowly lost reelection in 2009 once it started to become apparent MI-Connection was going to be a financial disaster.

Here is Mayor Atkins's post on his Facebook page to explain his tie breaking vote.  What do you think voters will say next time he has to face them?

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