
Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Never Forget

Like most people old enough to remember, I can picture exactly where I was and recollect almost every moment of September 11, 2001.  In 2015, I wrote this post about my memories from that day.

As we all take a moment to remember that solemn occasion, here are some pictures from.this morning's ceremony in Uptown.

The memorial this year was divided into sections with pictures of each person who perished that day attached to individual flags.  More than one person could be seen clearly looking for specific flags, bringing home the human cost and the personal impact this tragedy had on so many.  The sections for the first responders who lost their lives rushing to help the victims were particularly poignant.

While the vast majority of those who died that day came from the US, this was also a tragedy for the world symbolized by the display of flags from around the globe.

Never Forget

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