
Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Is an extension of Davidson Town Hall?

The website has been up and running for a month now, and readers have gotten a taste for the type of fare it will be serving up.

So far, readers have have been treated to numerous columns covering non-profit activities and various lifestyle pieces on living in Davidson.  Those have been interesting and useful.  That type of content is also to be expected since the organization was originally conceived around being a clearinghouse for non-profits to get their various messages out to the public. As for "news", things have been relatively limited, but then again that's also not surprising.  As what looks like a one-person operation on the "news" side at, getting out stories is a challenge - believe me aShortChronicle knows that as well as anyone.

However, what has aShortChronicle concerned going forward is how (or even if) this organization will truly cover Town Hall and the hard issues facing the 
the town and residents in a way that provides transparency into Town operations, and as importantly, provide the context around these things so people know what they really mean.  After reviewing the site's initial content as well as a lengthy public records request with numerous references to how this site came into existence, there are a number of concerns that lead one to believe very well may just end up effectively being an extension of the Town Hall Public Information Office rather than an organization willing to actually cover and challenge Town Hall.

First, let's take a look at the obvious.  The Board of which is a 501c(3) organization includes a Commissioner candidate this election cycle (Jane Campbell), two former Davidson Commissioners (Connie Wessner and Margo Williams) plus a former Davidson Finance Director (Cindy Jones). Jones is now listed as the contact for the 501c(3) after it was originally set up by Campbell.  There are also a number of other Board members who are well tied into the Town over a number of years.

Active citizen participation in these types of organizations is awsome and it is one of the things that makes Davidson, well...Davidson.  News and media on the other hand hold a special place in our society.  One of the primary responsibilities of media is to hold our elected officials accountable.  With a Board makeup like that, does anyone really believe this new "news" organization will include hard hitting pieces, records requests, and deep diving research on controversial topics involving or supported by Town Hall?  Common sense says "no, it will not".

Take for example these two stories from NewsOfDavidson and aShortChronicle on the recent NCDOT meeting around the controversial Potts Street Corridor projects.  See here for the NewsOfDavidson story and here for the one from aShortChronicle.  The first says essentially NCDOT held a meeting.  Town Hall supports these projects.  Some residents don't like it.  The end.  The one from aShortChronicle provides a lot more detail about what questions were asked what was answered and what the specific concerns expressed by citizens actually were.  Interestingly, the story from aShortChronicle was written by another citizen activist.

One example does not make a pattern, but as a 501c(3) non-profit NewsOfDavidson will also have a difficult time covering hard hitting stories related to politics in general.  People need to remember that one of the biggest forms of bias is actually bias by omission.  Meaning, stories that are lightly covered or not covered at all actually are a form of bias in and of itself.  When it come to NewsOfDavidson being a 501c(3) bias by omission is almost built into its operating model due to the constraints of its non-profit status.  Certainly, some people probably think aShortChronicle has shown bias as well over the years and to be honest, with over 800 stories on the blog it probably has happened.  Human beings are human, and here we believe all people are biased - even real journalists.  As a lowly blogger and not a "real journalist" aShortChronicle thinks we're just more honest about admitting it.

However, all of that is just the obvious stuff.

As mentioned at the top of this post, aShortChronicle reviewed dozens of emails from a public records request showing the close ties between Davidson Town Hall and going back to it's very beginnings.

Public records show,, or NOD, got its start immediately after shut down operations in May 2015.  In fact, in less than a weekend after DNN announced it was ceasing publication, major movers and shakers in town were working to revitalize it.  Campbell put together the notice pictured in this piece that was placed on the DNN site.  Based on the public record, from the outset it is safe to say Campbell and Mayor Woods together were the driving force behind trying to revive DNN or find a replacement.

Much of this information is only available now due to Mayor Woods using his official Town of Davidson email in the initial coordination effort.  However, one of the earliest emails for coordinating a response after DNN announced it was ceasing operations also included Town Public Information Officer, Christina Shaul, and Economic Development Director, Kim Flemming.

In the initial planning, it was discussed how to possibly raise donations to subsidize existing operations of  This would have been considerably expensive, and that idea quickly seems to have been cast aside.  However, in an email between Campbell and Woods in late July 2015, Mayor Woods says he is being encouraged by "some" to have the town possibly buy out the DNN url.  To her credit Campbell responds to Woods saying "I don't think the town should do anything.  It would be a conflict of interest - for the same reason you are stepping back from our proposed organizational structure."

There are numerous other examples throughout the public records showing NOD regularly using Town facilities as its meeting space including the Board room.  The Town apparently allows this for non-profits. That is not necessarily a bad thing as long as the Town is equally as accommodating to all non-profits.  These meetings were largely coordinated by Campbell including at least one example after filing for office this summer, again according to the public record.

As the NewsOfDavidson was getting its 501c(3) designation, it asked if the Town was willing to provide a letter in support of its application for non-profit status.  Mayor Woods replied enthusiastically that the Town would be glad to do that.  A letter was put together by attorney's helping the group and provided to Mayor Woods to sign on behalf of the Town in late January of 2016.  The letter specifically says NewsOfDavidson will "lessen the Town of Davidson’s governing burden related to community building and engagement of and civic education for our Town’s citizens."  Again, not a bad thing when promoting Concerts on the Green or Christmas in Davidson, but not necessarily a good thing when covering Board meetings where politically contentious issues are discussed.  Covering all of these things are mentioned in the letter as well.

Finally, throughout the public records information there are numerous requests for updates on the status of the NOD roll out.  Those requests come from both the Public Information Officer to pass along to elected officials and from Mayor Woods himself.  The Town was kept apprised of the roll out every step along the way.  That is a lot of interest by the Town in a website.

So, what does all this mean?

It would seem obvious that if Campbell is successful in her bid for Town Commissioner she would have to completely step away from NOD as a director.  Her own comment to Woods about a conflict of interest would certainly apply.  However, the real question is this.

"When it comes to the likelihood of NewsOfDavidson really covering Town Hall, with so many other entanglements would removing just this one really even matter?"

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