
Monday, April 3, 2017

Donnybrook a brewin' for Davidson Mayor....John Woods announces re-election bid

In what may come as a surprise to some in town, Davidson Mayor John Woods announced via a blast email Monday afternoon that he would in fact seek re-election this year.

Due to Woods's controversial positions on numerous issues ranging from Mi-Connection, a grow or die stance on development, and his support for the I77 HOT Lanes project, speculation was rampant as to whether or not he would run again this year.

From the announcement, Woods says...

"I am pleased and excited to announce that I plan to run for re-election in November 2017 as Mayor of Davidson.

I have served in public office for 20 years: 10 years as commissioner (with six of those years as Mayor Pro-Tem) and 10 years as Mayor.

It has always been important to me to take each term one-at-a-time, concentrating on the work before us and giving my full attention to making the best decisions for our town.

The formal filing period for the November 8 election is typically during the first two weeks of July. However, because of heightened interest in this coming election, I have been asked whether or not I was going to run again. The answer is definitively YES."
Woods goes on to say he won't be formally campaigning until after the July filing period saying he will be focusing on issues before the Board and to help "make the best decisions for our community".

The fact that Woods has announced this early is rather surprising.  It's a testament to the fact he has some serious competition this time around - easily the most serious of his tenure as Mayor.

Well known native, activist, and son of a former mayor, Rusty Knox has formally announced and is planning a vigorous campaign.  Also, former Commissioners Laurie Venzon has formed a campaign committee and is raising money in preparstion for a run as well.

Woods has proven himself to be a tenacious campaigner when challenged, but with so much water under the bridge on issue after issue one has to seriously wonder if his may be one election too many.

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