
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Is it 2016 yet? Senator Burr targeted by Senate Conservatives Fund

With 2014 elections just now in the books, it is already time to start looking to the next round of US Senate contests.

Earlier this week, the Senate Conservatives Fund, founded by former SC Senator Jim Demint, sent out this survey targeting the senior NC US Senator, Richard Burr.  The survey titled "North Carolina Grassroots Survey" appears intended to gauge enthusiasm among conservatives for a primary challenge when Burr comes up for reelection in 2016.

Among the most inflammatory of the statements in the survey was Burr's donation of $20,000 to a PAC supporting the Thad Cochran campaign in the Mississippi runoff last June.  Money from this PAC was used to purchase adds implying that Cochran's opponent, conservative Chris McDaniel, was a racist.

They were probably the worst adds run in the entire country by any campaign, and they were run by the Republicans against one of their own for no other reason than maintaining political power for the Republican establishment.

The Mississippi contest was not a case where Republicans might lose a seat if the so-called Tea Party candidate was the nominee.  Mississippi is deep red as a state, and McDaniel would have won the general election if he had been the nominee.

Mississippi was the worst example of incoming Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell's pledge to the liberal New York Times last March to "crush them everywhere" - speaking of conservatives.  Soon after that rant he also began running ads targeting the SCF specifically.

When it comes time to support candidates for 2016, conservatives and establishment Republicans need to remember where Senator Burr stands on the issues raised in this recent SCF survey.

Remember that your money may get spent on adds like the ones Senator Burr helped pay for in Mississippi.

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