
Friday, May 4, 2012

Pendergraph Electability Takes Hit

What a difference a few hours makes.

The last post outlining some possible electability issues went out yesterday at 2pm and by 630pm the Observer had yanked Jim Pendergraph's endorsement, throwing his electability in November into question.  See "2 better choices in 9th Congressional District"

Again, I know most people will be incredulous at that suggestion, but here's how this will play out.

If Jim Pendergraph is the nominee the Observer will beat the Birther/Arpaio drum relentlessly.  They have to do that after their blistering un-endorsement.  Because of that and because the Democrats are hosting their convention in Charlotte, the DNC will have no choice but to pour resources into this race in support of Jennifer Roberts.  How would it look if they did not go after Pendergraph directly under those circumstances?  He's questioning the very legitimacy of their Presidential candidate and running in the City where they are having their convention. 

That does two things.  It solves any money problems for Jennifer Roberts and gives her a lot of exposure.  Maybe they even give her a minor speaking opportunity at the convention.  Who knows?

All of this will be targeted at the unaffiliated voters.  That 28% of the district that will ultimately swing this race.  The current 9th District is 40% Republican, 32% Democrat, and 28% Unaffiliated.  There's more than enough Unaffiliated voters to swing this if things get out of hand.  Something that could happen based on the fact that Pendergraph appears to be doubling down on Arpaio side of the Observer's critique.  Today, he published an endorsement from the Minuteman Project which could only fan the flames.

Make no mistake, if Jim Pendergraph is the nominee these will be the topics of conversation in this race for the next 6-months - not jobs, not the economy, not the budget, not Obamacare.  It will be all Birther/Arpaio, all the time.

All of this could be avoided if voters choose someone else.

UPDATE: Story has gone national already...

GOP candidate loses backing over Obama birth claims - USA Today

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